Monday, 3 October 2011

Goodwin- Pop videos build on visual associations provided by the music.

Goodwin - GENRE

-Music videos can be considered as a genre as it relies on visuals and their impacts.
-Similar to adverts:
Standardised length, conventions of camerawork/editing, commercial product, seen by a mass audience.
- Nature of music videos audiences; teens and young adults. Distinguishes it from other genres.
-Provides us a different experience from viewing other programmes.

What is a music video?
A distinctive multi modal art form combining the audio and visual which can allow inventive creative opportunities.

Analysing a video.

-Music characteristics demonstrate genre characteristics. (stage performance-Metal, Dance routine-Pop band)
-There is a relationship between the lyrics and visual.
-Relationship between the music and the visual. (tempo)
-Selling the artist.
-The demands of the record label will include the needs of lots of close up, of the artists. The artist may develop motifs which recur across their work.
-There is frequently reference to notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
-There is often intertextual reference. (films/videos/programmes)

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