Thursday, 27 October 2011

Final Idea - 'We found love'

We have decided that we are going to go with our second idea which was making a music video for the song 'We Found Love' by Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris we decided this because we felt when shooting the footage It may turn out rubbish and not have the effect we wanted so decided to go with our second idea. As Charlie was going on holiday to Dubai in the October half term. We thought it would be a good idea to get footage filmed over there since we wouldn't be able to get the same locations and setting over here in england. Also, as the song is an uptempo song we though it would suit the sunny scenery and nightlife over there.We both agreed that it would be good if Charlie shooted in locations such as, the pool, clubs, nighttime, buildings, motorway, and parks. We then thought in contrast to the sun in Dubai, to have footage also in England of the ‘boyfriend’. Showing that the female is in a better place now and she has left the boyfriend behind.

The story in relation to the lyrics:

'It's the way I’m feeling I just can't deny
But I've gotta let it go.'
This part of the lyrics shows that she is trying to escape her past, and her being where she is, is a better place, as she says she's 'gotta let it go'.

Love and life I will divide
This is another example showing that she has to think of herself and what is best for her. 

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